SFC _ Shoah Film Collection –
is a worldwide unique media art and peace initiative addressed to young generations of artists and film makers to deal with the topic of SHOAH (Holocaust) and collective trauma caused by totalitarianism by using new technologies and contemporary approaches in art. Founded in 2009, and lauchwend on 27 January 2010 (International Holocaust Memorial Day) by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne, SFC is currently incorporating more than 50 outstanding works of art & moving images (experimental films, videoart and documentaries)
For the presentation of Shoah Film Collection to a wider audience, a specific event structure has been founded in 2012 by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne,, entitled: A Virtual Memorial – Commemorative Interventions – placing SFC into complementary audience related interventions like lectures, a symposion, exhibitions, concerts, workshops, artists talks, discussions and much more.
Since 2012, manifestations of SFC have been taken place in Riga, Vilnius, Warsaw and Milan under the Patronage of the “European Parliament”, and additional manifestations 2011 in St. Petersburg (Russia), Szeczin (Poland), Arad (Romania) and Mexico City (Mexico), 2012 in Phnom, Penh (Cambodia) & Warsaw (Poland), 2014 in Tel-Aviv (Israel), Timisoara (Romania) and Moscow Russia).
Details on ” A Virtual Memorial – International Center for Commemorative Interventions”
Founded in 2012, CTF – Collective Trauma Film Collections are expanding the international world-wide initiative by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne addressed to young generations of artists and film makers to deal with the topic of collective trauma caused by totalitarism by using new technologies and contemporary approaches in art in order to keep vivid the memory via art.
Based on the first collection founded in 2009, SFC – Shoah Film Collection dedicated to the victims of Holocaust, but also other genocides, consisting of experimental films, videoart and documentaries http://sfc.engad.org, the second collection “Cambodia 1975-1979†– is consisting mainly of documentaries by young Cambodian film makers is dealing with the Cambodian genocide 1975-1979
The third collection, simply “CTF – Collective Trauma Film Collection (general)” will be collecting film and videos about incidents of collective trauma worldwide. Still under construction.